Assassination Attempt on Louis XV
Sensitive souls, please do not read this post!
On 5th January 1757, Louis XV was heading towards his horse-carriage at Versailles, a man named Robert François Damiens rushed past the guards and attempted to stab the King. On this cold winter day, Louis XV was wearing several layers of thick clothing that saved him. Only the tip of the knife penetrated his skin.
Damiens was arrested and the investigation began, which meant submitting the perpetrator to the “question”. In other words: torture! Did he act alone? Was he paid? What was the motive? No clear answers were revealed. We will never know.
Regardless, what the man had tried to do had a name: “regicide”! This meant capital punishment and for this crime, it was the “crème de la crème” of executions: “drawing and quartering”. No less that 16 executioners were in charge of making Damiens feel what he did was very very bad! I will spare you the gruesome stages that involved all sorts of tools, four horses and ended at the stakes hours of suffering later.
Needless to say, it was a public execution right in front of the Paris City Hall, the idea was to send a clear message…