Paris monuments
figureS & events
Académie Française and the Immortals
Arc de Triomphe on Champs-Elysées
Bastille Fortress Model at the Archives Nationales
Beaubourg Museum / Pompidou Center
Bouquinistes - "Removal" from the Keys of the Seine
Bourse de Commerce / Pinault Collection
Carnavalet Museum - Destroyed Statues of Kings
Ceramic Hotel - Art Nouveau Architecture
Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
Chapelle Expiatoire / Expiatory Chapel
Christmas Lights and Decorations in Paris
Cité de l’Architecture - “France/North America” Art Deco Exhibition
Cordeliers Club - Réfectoire des Cordeliers
Cour des Comptes / Palais Cambon
Ecole Militaire - Liberation of Paris
Fountain on Place du Châtelet / Fontaine du Palmier
Fouquet Art Nouveau Jewelry Store
Galerie Vero-Dodat (Covered Passage)
Galerie Vivienne (Covered Passage)
Guimard (Hector) - Art Déco Building Staircase
Guimard (Hector) - Hôtel Roszé
Haussmann’ Statue on Haussman Boulevard
Hôtel Lalique - René Lalique' Townhouse
Hôtel Lalique - Townhouse Door
Hôtel de Lamoignon / Historical Library of Paris
Hôtel de la Monnaie - “L’Art-Gent” Expo
Hôtel de Sens - Forney Library
Hôtel des Invalides - Louis XIV Entrance Portico
Hôtel Talleyrand - Paris U.S. Embassy Visit
Hôtel Valentinois - Ben Franklin’s Residence
Hôtel de Ville (Paris Main City Hall)
Japan Cultural Center in Paris
Jeu de Paume Photography Art Center
Khan (Albert) Japanese Gardens
La Fayette’s Tomb - Changing of the Flag on 4th July
Louis-Vuiton Foundation - Monet-Mitchell Exhibition
Louvre - Genesis of the Museum
Louvre - Wing by the Seine River
Luxembourg Gardens - Queens’ Statues
Medici Fountain - Luxembourg Gardens
Medici Gallery in the Louvre Museum
Medicine Museum (History of Medicine)
Memorial of Jewish People Round Up at “Vel d’Hiv”
La Monnaie de Paris - Mint Museum
Musée des Arts Décoratifs - Jewelry
Museum of the Liberation of Paris 1
Museum of the Liberation of Paris 2
Napoleon Statue as General at Les Invalides
Napoleon Statue as Emperor - Vendôme Column
Napoleon's Tomb at Les Invalides
National Assembly / Palais Bourbon
Notre-Dame Cathedral - After the Fire
Notre-Dame Restoration - January 2024 Update
Notre-Dame de l’Assomption Church
Notre-Dame de la Consolation Church
Notre-Dame des Blancs Manteaux Church
Notre-Dame du Travail Church 1900’s
Olympic Games' Flying Cauldron
Opéra - Garnier & Empress Eugénie
Opéra Garnier Façade by JR (Artist)
Oratoire du Louvre Protestant Church
Palais Bourbon / National Assembly
Palais Brongniart - Napoleon's Stock Exchange
Palais Cambon / Cour des Comptes
Palais-Royal (Arcades & Gardens)
Palais-Royal - Shooting Series on Carême Pastry Chef
Palais Vivienne - Napoleon Private Collection
Petit Palais - Guimard Art Nouveau Furniture
Philarmonie de Paris - Heavy Metal Exhibition
Pinault Collection / Bourse de Commerce
Place de la Concorde - Fountains
Place de la Concorde Restored Fountains
Place de la Concorde - Egyptian Obelisk
Pompidou Center / Beaubourg Museum
Pont de la Tournelle - Sainte-Geneviève Statue
Protestant Temple in the Marais
Richelieu National Library - Labrouste Room
Richelieu National Library - Oval Room
Rousseau (Jean-Jacques) - Statue
Russian Holy-Trinity Cathedral
Sacred-Heart Montmartre Basilica
Saint-Alexandre Nevsky - Paris Russian Cathedral
Saint-Germain-l’Auxerrois Church
Saint-Gervais Saint-Protais Church
Saint-Louis des Invalides Cathedral - Part I
Saint-Louis des Invalides Cathedral - Part II
Saint-Martin des Champs - CNAM Library
Sainte-Chapelle - Part 1: Inside
Sainte-Chapelle - Part 2: Façade
La Samaritaine - Art Nouveau Dept. Store
Sauvage (Henri) - Studio Building
Temple Prison - Mairie 3rd Arrondissement
“Twin Fountain” on Rue François 1er (Premier)
“Twin Fountain” on Place Salvatore Allende
U.S. Embassador’s Residence in Paris
Cafés & restaurants
A la mère de famille - Chocolates and Sweets
Angelina Pastry Shop and Hot Chocolate
Auberge du Mouton Blanc Restaurant
Bouillon Racine Art Nouveau Restaurant
Brasserie Lipp - Hemingway & Art Nouveau
Café Isaka - Japanese Fried Ice Cream
Chaudun - Maison Michel Chaudun Chocolates
Chez Huguette - Seafood Restaurant
Dépôt Légal - Restaurant with real terrasse
Ducasse (Alain) - Chef’ Chocolates
Galette des Rois - Kings’ Cake Tradition
Gosselin - Bûche de Noël / Christmas Log Cake
Grande Epicerie at the Bon Marché
Cedric Grolet - Meurice Hotel Pastry Shop
Hanami Restaurant - Japanese Street Food
Larnicol - Maison Georges Larnicol
Maison Boissiers - Dragées Candies
Maison d’Isabelle’ Epipahny Kings’ Cake
Maison Leroux - Chocolates & Caramels
Marché des Enfants Rouges - Paris Marais
Nina Tea Room (Marie-Antoinette Tea Room)
Sadaharu Aoki - Japanese Pastries
Servant Confiserie & Chocolaterie d'Auteuil
Sir Winston British Pub in Paris
Takumi Japanese Cheesecake Pastry Shop
Tomo - Japanese Pastry & Coffee Shop
Vagenende Brasserie - Art Nouveau Decor
Vaudeville - Art Deco Brasserie
Vin et Marée - Seafood Restaurants
1789 Abolition of Privileges of Nobility
Adams (Abigail) - Womens’ Rights
Anschluss - Nazi Germany invades Austria
Appert (Nicolas) - Appertization!
“Aryanization” - Looting of Jewish Assets
Assignats - French Revolution Money Bonds
Austerlitz - Battle of the Three Emperors
Bailly - First Mayor of Paris Execution
Balzac (Honoré de) - The “Napoleon of Letters”
Bartholdi (Auguste) - Sculptor
Battle of Dunkirk - Operation Dynamo
Beauharnais (Josephine de) - Letters
Beauharnais (Josephine de) & Napoleon
Beauharnais (Josephine de) - Passing
Bernhardt (Sarah) - Patroness of Art Nouveau
Berthier (Napoleon’s Marshall)
Brooks (Mel) - Master of Spoof
Brunswick Manifesto - French Revolution Wars
Boussard (Jean-Marie) - Architect
Carême (Marie-Antonin) - Commander in Chefs!
Champaigne (Philippe de) - Royal Painter
Chevalier d’Eon - A Handsome Woman
Churchill (Winston) - Prime Minister
Congress of Vienna - Restoration of Monarchy
Crystal Night / Krystall Nacht
David (Jacques-Louis) - Artist
Declaration of Independance Monument in Washington D.C.
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
Dechristianization - French Revolution
Delacroix (Eugène) - French Revolution Painting
Desmoulins (Camille & Lucile) - Execution
Diderot and d’Alembert - The Encyclopaedia
Entartete Musik - Nazi Propaganda Exhibition
Fabre d’Eglantine - Revolutionary Calendar
First Hot Air Balloon Flight with Passengers
Fontaine (Jean de la) - Statue
Fouquier-Tinville - Revolutionary Court Prosecutor
France 1st Presidential Election
Franklin (Benjamin) - Apple TV Series Shooting in Paris
Franklin (Benjamin) - Apple TV Series Release
Franklin (Benjamin) - First American Treaties
French Revolution - Conscription
1830 French Revolution - The Emigrates' Billion
Gaulle (Charles de) - Presidential Election
Gouges (Olympe de) - Execution
Grasse (Comte De) - Battle of the Capes
Guillotin (Doctor) & the Guillotine
Hamilton (Alexander) Death - Duel with Aaron Burr
Hamilton (Alexander) - Origin of U.S. Dollar
Henry (Patrick) - "Liberty or Death"
Henry II - Nostradamus’ Prophecy
Henry de Navarre - Marriage with Marguerite de Valois
Henry IV - Religious Conversions
Herscher (Ernest-Marie) - Art Nouveau Architect
Hitler Appointed Chancelor of Germany
Hitler & Stalin - Non Agression Pact
Hugo (Victor) - Views on Napoleon I and Napoleon III
1900 Inauguration of Paris Metro
“Incroyables et Merveilleuses”
Ingres (Jean-Auguste-Dominique)
Joseph II visits Louis XVI at Versailles
Journal de Paris - First Daily Newspaper
La Fayette’s Tomb - Changing of the Flag on 4th July
La Fayette (Marquis de) - Passing
La Fayette (Marquis de) - Plaque
La Fayette (Marquis de) - Statue
La Fayette and Washington - First Meeting
La Fayette - 1924-25 Return to the United States
Larochejaquelein - Royalist Fighter
Las Cases (Emmanuel de) - Napoleon’s Memoirs
Lavirotte (Jules) - Art Nouveau Architect
Lavoisier (Antoine de) - Execution
Le Corbusier - La Cité Radieuse in Marseille
1944 Liberation of Paris Plaques
John Locke - Treatises of Government
Louis XIV - Statue at the Louvre
Louis XIV - Statue on Place des Victoires
Louis XV - Assassination Attempt on
Louis XVI - Marriage with Marie-Antoinette
Louis Joseph Xavier François de Bourbon - 1st Dauphin
Louisiana Discovery by Cavelier de la Salle
Maginot Line Contruction before WWII
Marie-Antoinette - “Killer Queen”
Marie-Antoinette - Marriage with Louis XVI
Marie-Antoinette - Trial at the Conciergerie
McCullough (David) - Historian
Mirabeau - First Man in the Pantheon!
Montespan (Marquise de) - Royal Favorite
Montesquieu - The Spirit of Laws
Napoleon - 1801 Lunéville Peace Treaty
Napoleon - Armistice with Royalist Movement
Napoleon - Auction Sale in London
Napoleon - Birth of Egyptology
Napoleon - Comédie Française Reform
Napoleon - Coronation as Emperor
Napoleon - Fire Brigades Reform
Napoleon - First Victory in Toulon 1793
Napoleon - Jewish People Equal Rights’ Decrees
Napoleon - Museum Decree (Chaptal)
Napoleon - Quotes by Notorious Figures
Napoleon - Return of Ashes from Saint-Helena
Napoleon - Upcoming Ridley Scott’ movie
Napoleon III - 150th Death Anniversary Church Mass
Night of Varennes / Flight to Varennes
Noailles (Marie-Françoise Adrienne de)
Otis (James) and the Stamp Act
Paine (Thomas) - Common Sense
Paul 1st - Russian Tsar Assassination
Perret (Auguste) - Palais Iéna
Pétain meets with Hitler at Montoire
Pétain (Philippe) - Vichy Regime
Pillnitz Declaration - Threat to the French Nation
Princesse de Lamballe Gruesome Death
Revere (Paul) - The Midnight Ride of
Robespierre (Maximilien) - Execution
Rousseau (Jean-Jacques) - Ethnomusicology
Sartre (Jean-Paul) & Nazi Germany Occupation
Scuttling of the French Fleet during WWII
Sévigné (Madame de or Marquise de)
Soulages (Pierre) - “Outrenoir”
Sudeteland Invasion by Nazi Germany
Talleyrand (Charles-Maurice de) - Death
U.S. Declaration of Independance
Villers-Coterêt Edict - French Language
Wagon (Alfred) - Art Nouveau Building
Washington (George) - Crossing the Delaware
WWII 1940 Armistice between France and Nazi Germany
WWII 1945 Nazi Germany - Two Surrender Acts