Cedric Grolet - Meurice Hotel Pastry Shop
I can see the future! Paris is turning into a "Cedric Grolet town"! You know that name, or if you don't, that's because you have not passed his pastry shops which may have the longest queues in Paris...
The star pastry Chef of the Meurice Hotel has opened a third location in the Opéra area, still the queues are getting longer...
Look at these pictures! These are not fruits! They're pastries! This is from location #2 on Rue de Castiglione, offering "trompe l'oeil" pastries (that means optical illusion). And there's now a third location on Rue Danielle Casanova with more of the infamous croissants...
After you stood in line and devoured those sweets, you need to exercise physically and mentally. So the best thing is to sign up to a historic tour and the best place to find that is... Parisology.net!