Le Corbusier - Architect
Charles-Edouard Jeanneret-gris, aka Le Corbusier, was born on 6 Oct. 1887. He is THE french architect of the 20th century. Recently on my Art Nouveau tour, a visitor was asking me when I started appreciating architecture. Here's a little personal story:
I grew up in Marseille and as a teenager, one of our school trips was to visit the "Unité d'habitation/Cité radieuse", a modern building designed by "Le Corbusier". Our trip included not only visiting the building but we also got to visit one of the apartments.
The guide explained the vision of the architect and we could see for ourselves the impact on the residents lives. Interestingly, as always, avant-garde ideas take time to be accepted by the mass. The "Unité d'habitation/Cité radieuse” is known in Marseille as "l'immeuble du fada"... That is "The building of the nut-case"...