Defenestrations of Prague!
On 23rd May 1618, a group of Protestants headed to the Prague Castle to have a discussion with the representatives of Ferdinand II, King of Bohemia who started taking away their religious freedom which had been granted by his predecessor, Matthias.
The discussion quickly got heated and three representatives of the Catholic King were defenestrated - that means thrown out the window! This event was the starting point of the thirty years war! The complexity of this conflict is the evolution of it, the number of states involved, and the different religious and political motives behind it.
Historians consider it the actual first world war and one of the deadliest with over 8 million death tolls inclusive of battles as well as collateral damage due to famine and disease.
By the way, the three defenestrated men did not die! They landed on a pile of manure that miraculously saved them. The ways of the Lord are unfathomable...