Victor Hugo views on Napoleon I and Napoleon III
Victor Hugo was born on 26 February 1802! What a time to be born when Napoleon was transforming France.
Victor Hugo's later stance towards Napoleon III (nephew of Napoleon I) is well documented. Everyone knows the author left France for the British islands of Jersey and Guernesey from where he voiced his political opinions.
What I find more interesting and that is less often discussed is how his view towards Napoleon I evolved throughout his life. As a young man, and partly in reaction to a missing father who had been a soldier in Napoleon's army, he had a rather mixed opinion of the Empire.
After Napoleon's exile, Victor Hugo witnessed the Restoration of the Bourbon monarchy and the lack of greatness of Louis XVIII, Charles X and Louis-Philippe followed by Napoleon III. With time, Victor Hugo measured what an incredible Head of State Napoleon had been for France and how men of that stature are rare.
To conclude this post, here's my favorite quote from Victor Hugo: "Whom do you admire, if you don't admire the Emperor?". That says it all.