Museum of the Liberation of Paris - Part 2
One very important element of this new museum is that it is based above the shelter that was used as the command post during the Liberation of Paris in August 1944 by Henri Tanguy, aka Colonel Rol who was the leader of the FFI (French Internal Forces).
This shelter was originally built to monitor the technical services of the city like water, sanitation, lighting, metro, etc. in case of war. From there, Tanguy and a few brave men and women scouted Paris, planned and directed FFI attacks in view of controlling the streets and confining German troops in their strongholds until the arrival of the Allied Armies...
Please note, visiting the command post might not be advisable to those who suffer from claustrophobia as you have to go down 100 steps below grounds and there are no windows of course. This is recommended for WWII aficionados who have already visited the huge WWII section at the Invalides and want to experience more...