Second French Revolution - The Emigrates' Billion
So you understand the following story, here is a little recap' of French history: in 1789 the French Revolution broke out, it was a bad time for aristocrats, some lost their heads, their wealth, often both. However, some noble families left France early and found shelter abroad, they were called "Emigrates".
After the Revolution, Napoleon invited the "emigrates" to come home, promising they would be safe, and there would be no more mass beheadings. Though he also made it clear he could not undo what the Revolution had done, ie he could not give them back their land, mansions, or whatever assets they had lost.
Fast forward to 1815, after European monarchs exiled Napoleon, they restored the Bourbon monarchy in France. The next two Kings were Louis XVI' younger brothers: Louis XVIII, and upon his death it was Charles X. On 27 April 1825, the latter issued a decree giving one billion Francs of the time (several billion Euros or US Dollars today) to the former "emigrates" as a compensation for what they had lost.
As we know, money doesn't grow on trees, so it had to be found somewhere. I'm sure you have guessed: it's the poor tax payers who had to contribute... Five years later, the second French Revolution would erupt... The Bourbons learned nothing and forgot nothing...