Maison Tetrel Candy Store
Would you like to feel like a kid in a candy store? Here's one of my secret spots in Paris! Before you read on, you have to promise you will respect the shop owner's wish: NO PHOTOS INSIDE. Thank you very much! Please note mine are all from outside. If you respect the rule, you will be warmly greeted and served by this lovely couple.
Maison Tetrel is an amazing candy store. They have so many different kinds of sweets! They are from all over France and they are also from different time periods!
If you describe the taste, texture and other aspects of your favourite sweet when you were a kid, chances are they will have something close to that! This reminds me so much of Economy Candy on Rivington Street in New York City!
Disclaimer: Please rest assured I have absolutely zero sponsor benefits in my food recommendations. They are genuinely places I have tried and tested and recommend. Thank you!