Musée des Arts Décoratifs
Have you ever visited the "Musée des Arts Décoratifs"'? Even though it is technically not part of the Louvre Museum Collections, it is actually located within the Louvre building. Only, you need to access it from its own entrance.
The "MAD" as we call it is a jewel for anyone interested in the history of design. You will see the evolution of furniture, decorative objects and jewelry design starting from the middle ages, onto the Renaissance, and through different Kings of France whose names are used to define their time periods.
The collection followes the history of France so there is also a great section on the "Empire" style, followed by the "Restoration" ; "Second Empire" and up to early 1900's "Art Nouveau" and "Art Déco" styles which I will cover in an upcoming post.
Highly recommended as it is often overlooked and being much less crowded then Louvre and Orsay, you will get to enjoy the pieces without being bumped into. Priceless!