Saint-Sulpice Church
For the aficionados of classic French architecture, this church might be an oddity as one of the key words of French architecture is symmetry! So why aren’t the towers symmetrical? Well, the construction of the church spanned from 1646 through 1870! Over two centuries!
What happened in these two centuries? Primarily lack of funds, architects passing away and of course at some point the French Revolution whose government during the reign of terror considered the Catholic Church the enemy of the state and even tried to replace it with the “cult of the Supreme Being”.
Before one enters the church, look up right above the middle door, and you will see a very faded wooden sign that reads: “Le people reconnaît l’être suprême et l’immortalité de l’âme”. The people recognize the supreme being and the immortality of the soul. This sign is the only one left in Paris from the French Revolution period. Enjoy!