Richelieu National Library - Labrouste Room
This is the magnificent Labrouste library and reading room dedicated to Art History. This is one of the sections of the Richelieu Library that are not open to the public, one needs to meet specific criteria to have access.
The room is named after Henri Labrouste, the architect who designed it and oversaw its construction in the 1860's. Check out the ceiling! Nine open cupolas covered with ceramic tiles reflecting the light that gets in from the skylights. The cupolas are supported by sixteen wrought iron columns that are so thin, they are barely visible, which was the point.
The result is a huge open space with lots of natural light. If the place makes you think of a church, you are right! The cupolas are reminiscent of basilicas, yet, the use of wrought-iron columns intead of stone creates a very interesting juxtaposition. Simply stunning!