Sainte-Geneviève - Feast of
You all know about Joan of Arc, but do you know about Geneviève? The 3rd of January is the Feast of Sainte-Geneviève, the Lady Patron of Paris!
Born in the early 400's, having inherited land and wealth from her parents, she dedicated her life to God, helping the poor, vowing to celibacy and chastity while still living in the "world" as opposed to entering a convent.
In 451, when Attila and his Hun warriors were heading towards Paris, she tried to convince Parisians to stay in city and pray for the Divine help. Interestingly, Attila changed his route, and was defeated further north. She witnessed the decline of the Roman and played a role in the conversion of Clovis, King of the Franks to Christianity.
The difficulty for historians is to determine who Geneviève actually was, what was her exact occupation and social rank. She was far from being poor, though not considered to be an aristocrat either. At that moment, women could not be part of government, and yet doors seem to be opened for her and important leaders took the time to meet with her and even negotiate with her...
The ways of the Lord are unfathomable...