Statue of Napoleon as Emperor - Vendôme Column
The Vendôme column is beautiful and it is just perfect for its location. Let us be honest here: the design is a copy of the Trajan column in Rome. Many Kings of France were greatly inspired by classic Greco Roman architecture. And Napoleon was no exception.
Going back to the Renaissance, King François 1st was the first to be interested in having casts made from the Trajan column. Later Louis XIII and his son Louis XIV tried as well to commission such casts. Was it in view of having a similar column built in Paris? One doesn't know for sure.
What we do know is Napoleon made it happen! The difference being the material used: the Trajan column is made of marble, while the Vendôme column is made of stone, there is a staircase inside, although it is not open to the public (unless you have friends in high places...). The outside is covered with plaques made with the bronze of cannons taken from Austrian and Russian armies at the battle of Austerlitz!
On my Napoleon tour, I break down the dishonnest way Napoleon has been depicted in foreign history and bad movies... Vive l'Empereur!