Hôtel de Beauvais - Part II
This former mansion of a noble family now belongs to the state and houses the Administrative Court of Appeal of Paris. The place has seen quite a number of notorious guests:
When the mariage of King Louis XIV with Marie-Thérèse was celebrated nearby in the Marais in what is now known as Place des Vosges, the Queen mother Anne was invited over by the mansion's owner Madame de Beauvais (her first maid and confident) so she could watch her son parade with his wife. The Queen mother stood by the window which now harbours the French flag outside (see previous post).
A bronze plaque in the inner courtyard is a reminder of another notorious guest who stayed here from November 1763 to April 1764 on his first visit to Paris: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, he was just seven years old and about to perform for the King of France...