Hôtel Valentinois - Ben Franklin’s Residence in Paris
What on earth is the face of Benjamin Franklin doing on a building of the 16th arrondissement of Paris? The "Hôtel Valentinois" used to stand here, it was the private mansion of a family of aristocrats. They welcomed one of the American Founding Fathers in their home from 1777 to 1785.
Years before, in June 1752, "Dr Franklin" as he was known in Paris, had demonstrated that lightning was electricity and developped the lightning rod.
He installed his invention on the rooftop of the "Hôtel Valentinois" and it was the very first one in France. While the private mansion was demolished early 1900's - the lightning rod could protect it from electricity but not from real estate promoters... - the medallion and inscription commemorate the stay and scientific contribution of Franklin here.
The upcoming Apple TV series on his life in Paris will probably mention that story. In the meantime, check out my Paris Walk on the 🇺🇸American Founding Fathers in Paris!