Préfet - Napoleon's Decree
On 17 February 1800, two months after accessing power, the First Consul of the Republic created the function of the "Préfet" to govern the French regions.
France having been divided up into nearly one hundred regions during the Revolution, Napoleon needed to find that many Préfets! He turned to the other two Consuls Cambacérès and Lebrun to submit names of potential candidates. His brother Lucien (already a member of the Assembly) and Talleyrand made suggestions as well.
Napoleon had given two criterias for the selection of Préfets: ability and integrity! 97 Préfets were appointed and began helping Napoleon restore public order after the chaos of the Revolution.
Two centuries later, most of the 200 reforms and institutions created by Napoleon still exist, including the Préfets. 200 reforms and institutions that are never mentioned in the old British narrative of history...