Egyptian Obelisk on Place de la Concorde
Here is a die hard myth that won't go away! No, no, no! Napoleon did not take, steal nor bring back this obelisk from Egypt! This happened ten years after Napoleon passed away!
In 1830, Charles X, second King after the restoration of Monarchy, received it as a gift from Mehemet Ali, Vice Roy of Egypt. France was actually offered both obelisks from the entrance of the Luxor Temple. They were both to stand on the Place de la Concorde as tokens of friendship between France and Egypt.
The first one arrived in 1836. Considering the difficulty of handling and shipping this stone monolith which weighs some 230 tons and measures 23 meters (70 foot), it was decided to leave the other one home. In the 1980's President Mitterand stated France would never claim the second obelisk. Surprising for a president who was often referred to as a Pharaoh (because of the Louvre pyramid)!