Honoré de Balzac - The “Napoleon of Letters”
On 20 May 1799, Honoré de Balzac was born. In the span of a fifty one year life, he published over ninety novels and short stories which composed "La Comédie Humaine". Balzac gave life to some two thousands characters, and that’s not counting the works that are not included in the « Comédie »…
Interestingly, the writer was born the very year Napoleon rose to power so he grew up and experienced first hand life during the first Empire. Balzac was in awe of the former general, turned head of state, then turned Emperor and he wished to be the “Napoleon of letters”!
In the 16th arrondissement of Paris, you can visit the “Maison de Balzac” where he lived. This particular house was perfect for the writer thanks to its two entrances on different streets. His whole life, Balzac was chased by creditors, very often, he had to run out the backdoor!