Vin et Marée - Seafood Restaurants
"Vin et Marée" have four restaurants in Paris. Vin et Marée means "Wine and the Sea". Having grown up in Marseille, I love sea food! One of the four restaurants is near my place so I've been there on a few occasions.
Once I've had their oysters which were great. Then, I've tried their mussels which were equally delicious and all disappeared...
My friends tried the following:
"Brandade de morue" (salt cod and potato mash), this dish is an acquired taste, I got a taste to validate it and it was really good.
"Choucroute de la mer" (sea sauerkraut) - inspired by the sauerkraut from Alsace but with fish instead of sausages).
"Sole Bretonne" (Sole fish from Bretagne), I should mention my friends are Japanese, and considering how the Japanese love seafood, their approval of that place means something. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Please rest assured I have absolutely zero sponsor benefits in my food recommendations. They are genuinely places I have tried and tested and recommend. Thank you!