Galette des Rois - Kings’ Cake Tradition
Admit it: You are going out off your mind right now! Behold the "Galette des Rois" (the Kings' cake)... This is a French tradition to celebrate the Epiphany on the second Sunday after Christmas, when the three Kings came to see the newborn Jesus.
But being French, we came up with a twist: each cake comes with a "fève" hidden inside. Typically either a dried fava bean or a porcelain figurine (watch out when you bite!) and whoever finds the treasure becomes King or Queen for a day and has to buy the next cake!
For that reason, you can find the Galette at bakeries for three weeks in January and you get to taste the different kinds: the Parisian version is golden on top and is filled almond paste inside. My personal favourite is the "brioche" version from the south with glazed fruits on top! It'll knock your socks off!