Sainte-Chapelle - Part 2: Façade
Part deux of the magnificent Sainte-Chapelle. My previous post showed the upper chapel with the amazing walls of stained glass.
This post photos illustrate the lower chapel, the entry porche and the outside. The photos showing the outside pillars help you understand how the chapel was built to sustain such large walls openings.
The lower chapel is decorated with rich colors, the original polychrome were restored in the 1800's. The statue represents King Louis IX aka Saint-Louis who commissioned the Sainte-Chapelle to house the crown of thorns he had purchased from the Constantinople Emperor.
Every year, one million people visit the Sainte Chapelle and it is a rather small place compared to Notre-Dame, so the number of visitors that can enter every hour is moniored and limited. Therefore, booking ahead of time is highly recommended! Enjoy!