Henry II - Nostradamus’ Prophecy
Do you believe in predictions of the future? Queen Catherine de Medicis certainly did. She invited to the royal court a famous astrologer from the south of France: Michel de Nostredame, aka "Nostradamus"! As per the legend, one of his famous prophecies read as follows:
"The young lion will overcome the older one, On the battlefield in a single combat; He will pierce his eyes through a golden cage, Two wounds become one, and he dies a cruel death."
In 1559, Catherine's husband King Henry II (he's "the older one") engaged in a joust tournament against the Count of Montgomery ("the young lion"). Montgomery's spear hit the King's helmet and splintered, right into the King's eye and temple ("two wounds become one"). The royal doctors and surgeons tried everything and Henry II passed away on 10 July 1559 after 11 days of agony ("he dies a cruel death").
Nostradamus divide historians: a few argue some of his prophecies may have been written after events. Others claim they are so vague they can have several meanings...