"Les Incroyables et les Merveilleuses"
Aside from meaning marvellous, the word also refers to a fashion movement that appeared in the midst of the French Revolution!
Right after the reign of Terror, a very austere time with massive waves of executions, people felt they could relax and those who could afford it started dressing up and party again. They were known as "Les Incroyables et les Merveilleuses" (the Incredible Ones and the Marvellous Ones)!
It was not only a fashion style but also a very affected way of speaking! These fashion victims were known to drop the "r"s from words in an effort to sound more distinguished from peasants!!! They were deemed "Les Inc'oyables et les Me'veilleuses"...
And now, to illustrate my point, let’s imagine this very same post, the way the « Me’veilleux » would have phrased it:
Yeste’day I was telling you about the "Me’veilleux" me’ingue past’y shop. Aside f’om meaning ma’vellous, the wo’d also ‘efe’s to a fashion movement that appea’ed in the midst of the F’ench ‘evolution!
‘ight afte’ the ‘eign of Te’’o’, a ve’y auste’e time with massive waves of executions, people felt they could ‘elax and those who could affo’d it sta’ted d’essing up and pa’ty again. They we’e known as "Les Inc’oyables et les Me’veilleuses" (the Inc’edible Ones and the Ma’vellous Ones)!
It was not only a fashion style but also a ve’y affected way of speaking! These fashion victims we’e known to d’op the "r"s from wo’ds in an effo’t to sound mo’e distinguished f’om peasants!!! They we’e deemed "Les Inc'oyables et les Me'veilleuses"... I think you get the idea !