Battle of Dunkirk - Operation Dynamo
From 26 May to 4 June 1940, the Operation Dynamo was organized to evacuate Allied troops (from Britain, Belgium, Netherlands and France) from Dunkerque, in the north of France.
The ships that came to the rescue were not only war ships but commercial ships, yachts, steamers, lifeboats, fishing boats, sailing barges and even Thames river boats... You name it...
Over 300,000 troops were saved by this operation which was considered a miracle. The sad part is that about 40,000 French soldiers that backed up the evacuation could not be rescued and were captured by the German army.
The recent Dunkirk movie by Christopher Nolan caused dispointment for some historians who deplored a partial view of history. Cinema is a powerful vehicule: on one hand it can expose a great number of people to something they would have never read about. Sadly, on the other hand, some may actually take that for the actual truth when it is in fact more complex...